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Body Clock – Are you a Lark or a Night Owl?

We all have our unique body clocks, or chronotypes, that dictate our optimum functioning during the day or the night. What works for you? Your are either a morning-person or you’re a night owl. And that is also due to your specific chronotype. Much to our assistance, you can understand your chronotype to figure out your sleeping patterns. Understand your Chronotype A study carried out in 2018 shows that 27 percent of the people functioned as morning types. They were nicknamed the larks while 9 percent were the evening types as it earned them the name Owls. The remaining 64 percent lay on a varying scale in the middle. This shows that sleep patterns are unique for individuals. Someone with an owl chronotype feels more energized and alert in the evening. They are the ones dancing after the sun sets away and the last ones to show up at the breakfast table. On the other hand, the larks tend to be more awake early in the morning and the first ones to show up at the breakfast table. The...

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